Example Validation

Using before

The traditional way to handle validation is implementing a before method on the handler.

from pycnic.core import Handler, WSGI
from pycnic.errors import HTTP_400

class NameHandler(Handler):

    def before(self):
        if 'name' not in self.request.data \
                or self.request.data['name'] != 'root':
            raise HTTP_400("Expected 'root' as name")

    def post(self):
        return {"status": "ok"}

class app(WSGI):
    routes = [('/name', NameHandler())]

Using requires_validation decorator

As of Pycnic v0.1.0 a Validation decorator is included that accepts a validator function and re-raises an HTTP_400 error is that function raises any errors.

from pycnic.core import Handler, WSGI
from pycnic.utils import requires_validation

def has_proper_name(data):
    if 'name' not in data or data['name'] != 'root':
        raise ValueError('Expected \'root\' as name')

class NameHandler(Handler):

    def post(self):
        return {'status': 'ok'}

class app(WSGI):
    routes = [('/name', NameHandler())]