What it be?
Pycnic is a small, fast, easy to use web framework for building JSON APIs.
What it do?
Pycnic handles routing, JSON requests and responses, cookie magic, and provides jsonified error handling.
Get it
GitHub: github.com/nullism/pycnic
PyPI: pypy.python.org/pypi/pycnic
Or with pip: pip install pycnic
Quick sample
# from hello.py from pycnic.core import WSGI, Handler class Hello(Handler): def get(self, name="World"): return { "message": "Hello, {name}!".format(name=name) } class app(WSGI): routes = [ ("/", Hello()), ("/([\w]+)", Hello()) ]
To run the example, just point some WSGI server at it, like Gunicorn.
gunicorn hello:app